Disclosures in accordance with §5 TMG
City sightseeing tours Nuremberg and Fürth
Owner of the company: Reiner Rickert
An der Leiten 9
90616 Neuhof
Phone: 09107 / 99 79 79
Fax: 09107 / 99 79 78
E-Mail: info@nü
Sales taxidentificationnumber:
EU-Dispute Settlement
The European Commission provided an online-platform for dispute settlement:
You can find our E-Mail address above at the imprint.
Arbitration Board
We do not participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer dispute resolution body.
Liability for contents
As a service provider we are responsible, according to §7(1) TMG, for the content in this website under the genera law, butfollowing § 8 - §10 TMG we are not responsible, as a service provider, to supervise mailed, or saved foreign information or to check if there is any illegal background referring to these contents.Obligations for the removal or barring of the use of information in accordance with legal regulations remain unaffected, even in the event of the service provider not being responsible.A liability referring to this is however only possible from the moment of actual notice of a specific infringement.When corresponding infringements become known, content for which influence can be exercised will be removed without delay.
Liability concerning Links
Our website contains links to external websites operated by third parties, over whose contents we have no control, therefore, we can take over for these foreign contents also no guarantee. The respective operator of the websites is always responsible for the contents on the linked homepage. Anyway, we checked the content of the linked sites at the time we installed the link.
Wepoint out that constant checking on the content of the linked pages is not reasonable as long as no precise evidence for an infringement of the law due to the content of these pages is given. As soon as we become aware of an infringement we will remove such links immediately.
The contents and works created by the website operators and presented on these pages are governed by the german copyright law. Dublication, editing, distribution and any kind of utilisation of the contents beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorisation from the respective author or the manufacturer. It is possible to print and download freely the content of this website but only for personal purpose and not for commercial use.
In so far as contents from this website are not created by the operators, all copyrights from third parties will be noted. Contents from third parties have particular been identified as such. Nevertheless if you should become aware of a copyright violation we request that you notify us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of an infringement we will remove such links immediately.
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Freiberger Str. 114, 01159 Dresden
Phone +49 (0) 351 . 42447010
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Image Rights
© Stadtrundfahrt Nürnberg / Fürth
© Erich Malter
© Julia Stiller
© Norbert Mittelsdorf
© Hajo Dietz
© Ken Schluchtmann
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